100 Anime Project: Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai Kara Kuru Sō Desu yo?

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai Kara Kuru Sō Desu yo?

I found this anime when i was bored.
this anime only have 10 episode but the story line is very good and the graphic is great.

Title     : Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai Kara Kuru Sō Desu yo?
Author : Tatsunoko Tarou
Genre  : Adventure,Comedy,Fantasy,Romance,Shounen

This anime is about reviving a guild that already beaten by a demon,
the flag,name, and all of the thing that the guild has is taken by the demon  lord.
So, one of the guild member call somebody from another world to help them to revive the guild.

in this world, we must complete a gift game to receive some gift for our guild or for battle in the next gift games. 

There were 4 main character in this anime:

1.Sakamaki Izayoi

He is a powerful high school boy who always solve everything with violence.
He got a gift card from the battle that he and his friend won.
this gift card recognize the power that everyone has, but this card can't identify what is his power. it's "unknown" 

2.Black rabbit(kuro usagi)

She was the person who can declare a giftgame, and she can declare the winner of a gift game. with her rabbit ear, she can ask anything to the headquarter quickly and get the information about the rule, fouls in the gift game,etc
the gift that she has is "indra's spear" it allows her to control lightning

3 Kasukabe Yo

 She has the gift "Genome Arbor- Non Priorum"from her pendant
Because of this pendant she can talk to animal and become friends with them

4.Kudou Asuka
Arich young lady who has the gift "Oraculum". every word that she said will control other people to obey what she said

i've never regret i spend 6 hours of my life for watching this anime..

i think that's all for today
thank you...... :3

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